EcoAction: Tell Biden to Halt MVP, Fossil Fuels: Climate Forum and Meeting Mon June 12

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The People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition, of which EcoAction is part of, is organizing actions across the country from June 8 to 11 to tell President Biden to halt fossil fuels. (See list of events here) Several actions below.

The campaign to end Fossil Fuels will be a central part of the EcoAction monthly meeting and forum this Monday, June 12 at 8 PM ET. We will have a twenty minute report of the week of action and next steps to end fossil fuels. We will also have a 20-minute open discussion on the emotion impact of climate change on people and activists.

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Jun 12, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time
Meeting ID: 824 0752 1827
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We must demand President Biden do everything in his power to accelerate the end of the era of fossil fuels, by stopping approvals for new oil and gas projects, phasing out fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters, and declaring a climate emergency that further shifts us off fossil fuels.

The actions start with a protest at the White House on June 8 from 2 to 4 PM to tell Biden to say no to the Mountain Valley Pipeline despite the support it got in the recent Debt Crisis deal. Groups hope the demonstrations will compel President Biden to “call an end to this project the way that he did with Keystone XL” pipeline in 2021.

If you can’t be in DC on June 8, you can send a letter to Biden by clicking here. You can also try to call the White House comment line at 202 456-1111 (note that the Biden administration often turns off the comment line – mid day from Tuesday to Thursday it is often on).

Phone message: Dear President Biden: As the climate crisis worsens, we need your administration to stop our dependence on fossil fuels. This means halting all new fossil fuel projects, declaring a climate emergency, and taking executive action. I urge you to deny the federal permits needed to complete the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), a massive 300-mile fracked gas pipeline across West Virginia and Virginia. MVP would emit the greenhouse gas equivalent of 23 new coal-fired plants per year.

Biden clearly agreed in the debt deal to approve the MVP pipeline. The deal not only fast-tracked federal permits for MVP (they also need a state water permit), but also blocked litigation over the permits. Still, as he did with the Keystone XL pipeline, Biden could reverse his position if enough protests occur.

For the last eight years, many in Virginia and West Virginia have expressed concerns about the construction on the grounds that it is dangerous, infringes on the environmental justice rights of several low-income and majority-minority communities in both states and would impede the region’s transition to renewable energy. The Mountain Valley Pipeline already has hundreds of water violations and millions in fines.

Numerous studies have found that the MVP would pose serious risks to endangered species and surrounding ecosystems. The 303-mile long pipeline and accompanying Southgate extension would cut across almost 1,146 streams, creeks, rivers, and wetlands. The MVP would transport over 2 billion cubic feet of fracked gas each day, crossing over steep mountain slopes that are susceptible to landslides and an increased risk of pipeline explosions.