Over the last couple of weeks, both the House and Senate passed their respective versions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the colossal bill that sets military policy and the military budget for 2024. 
Both chambers marched in step with the Biden administration’s request to set the Pentagon budget for the coming year at $886 billion - nearly $30 billion more than the current Pentagon budget, and one of the highest military budgets in history. 

The Pentagon budget has grown at an astronomically unsustainable rate year after year, with seemingly no end in sight. Every year Congress and the President add more money to the Pentagon budget for outdated ships, malfunctioning planes, dangerous new nuclear weapons, and giveaways to corrupt contractors at the expense of communities across the country.

It’s time for Congress to prioritize the needs of the people. That means investing in programs that will truly make our country stronger and more equitable while cutting the bloated Pentagon budget. The NDAA now moves to a conference committee to hammer out any differences between the two chambers’ bills, and then for a final vote in the House and the Senate. Your members of Congress need to hear from you before that happens!

Our coalition already has over 65,000 signers to the petition calling on Congress to oppose the mammoth NDAA, but it’s going to take thousands more to truly have the impact we need. Please add your name today demanding your members of Congress vote NO! on the nearly one trillion dollar Pentagon spending bill.

While Congress continues to shovel dollar after dollar onto the Pentagon, they’ve cut relief for the poor, for loan debt forgiveness, and assistance for the working class in the debt ceiling deal - saying we can’t afford it. Yet at the same time, they want to increase the Pentagon budget by nearly $30 billion without even debating major concerns like price gouging by military contractors.

To truly invest in our future, we must prioritize providing affordable healthcare, relieving student debt, creating good-paying jobs, and tackling the ever-growing climate crisis.

Take a quick moment right now and add your name to the growing chorus demanding that Congress prioritizes our true needs, and not the insatiable desires of corrupt weapons contractors. Sign the petition today!

Thank you for taking action today!

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